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General Public Resources

Through the years, ABE members have generated many resources, used by the general public, but mostly for the use of our active ABE members. General Public Resources include:

The ABE Professional Development Committee oversees ABE projects for member use, including new resource development, collaboration, and mentorship initiatives. Inquire how to become a member of the Professional Development Committee.

The ABE also participates in projects with other organizations such as the National Board of Medical Examiners, the International Association of Medical Science Educators and Aquifer.  

Members-Only Resources

More resources are to be found in the Members-Only Resources area, including:

To gain access to the Members-Only Resource area, you must be an active ABE Member.

Association of Biochemistry Educators (ABE) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

6524 SW 61st Terrace, Miami, FL 33143

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